
We have started a new service “Quadkopters International” where in we connect you with our suppliers directly and you can buy goods at USD price and it gets shipped directly to your address. All goods would be shipped via GATI. Please note that we will ensure that there will be no duty charged and if at its charged then its at very minimum. We are listing all the products that are available with us at the moment that can be shipped from our suppliers from China to you.

How it works?

You inform us about the goods  > We check with supplier about the stock and cost of shipping > You pay directly to supplier via paypal > Supplier ships your product and update us the tracking details

List of items

How to place order?

Contact us via phone/whatsapp/email and we will let you know


Orders will be shipped only on Mondays and Thursday/Friday.
It takes at an average 7-12 days for the order to reach you after it has been shipped from China.
Payment can be done via paypal directly to our suppliers account.